Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Welcome to Llama's Lounge

First ever blog post.

So, welcome to my internet home. I hope you'll enjoy your stay.

I hope to blog every few days or so, more or less. You'll probably get a mix of my thoughts on music, a bit of my life in Israel as an American immigrant, some tales from the old country, perhaps a little fiction and poetry, and some random other bullshit.

Yes, of course it's pretentious to start a blog in the first place, thinking that other people actually will care what you have to say. But, I like writing, and this fills a role. And if you happen to like it, all the better. Please feel to free to let me know what you think.

So why llamas?

It's a good Phish song, sure. A nice show opener especially.

But there's something cool about words that start with a double L, I think. Don't you? Can anyone think of other examples?


David Bessler said...

Hey Jason! The hebrew thang is crazy. I have pretty much set things up so you can go to or to get here. Cool?

misha said...

מה זה "פיש?" ג'סת קידדינג. ברוכים הבאים לעולם של ה"בלוגו-ספיר"